The Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Action at Cal Poly has had a fruitful 2018-19 year. It has been filled with restructuring our methods of ministry, students coming to know the Lord or re-dedications, and a need to expand our staffing. We are excited to share some of our "God Stories" with you.
As we approached the 2018-19 school year, we started asking the Lord to help us develop new structures within the ministry in hopes of expanding our capacity for discipleship. As we sought the Lord, it seemed like we kept returning to the idea of "team studies". This idea of pouring into student leaders, who would in return pour into their peers seemed to match the biblical model of discipleship. We started the year with a simple goal and prayer of identifying two students that we could train to start studies on their team. As we prayed for the Lord to identify and bring to us student leaders, we were overwhelmed with what He had in store. As the year is coming to a close we have 9 studies! Wow! Did He go above and beyond what we had dreamed or imagined. We had a Football Study, Baseball Study, Mens Soccer Study, Coaches Study, Women Soccer Study, Tennis Study, Indoor Volleyball Study, Sand Volleyball Study, and Women's Study.
At our training the girls were able to share their highs and lows of leading and share their big "God Stories" of the year. All of us walked away realizing God is alive and on the move at Cal Poly campus! We are excited to share some of these stories below about the Tennis Study, Baseball Study, and the Girls Soccer Study.
Tennis God Story
We met with one our tennis girls at the beginning of the year. She wanted to start a Bible study for her team. We started praying and as she stepped out in faith God honored it. Here is a picture of her study eating dinner at our house. Five of the eight girls on the tennis team have been regularly coming to the study. One of them gave her life to the Lord. As we did our study over dinner, the new believer stopped us and said, "I"m very new to this. Can you please explain to me what prayer is and how I do it?" God has been using this faith step to change the dynamic and eternal direction of the tennis team.
Baseball God Story
At the begging of the year we got an email from one of the senior baseball players who wanted to come back to the Lord and start a study for his team. He was the only one he knew walking with the Lord on his team. The first three or four studies no one showed up, but we kept praying. God heard and answered. Now there are 5 or 6 guys coming to the study, and some who are atheist just wanting to explore the Christian faith.
It has been neat to see Bobby go on to have one of his best pitching season yet!
Women's Soccer God Story
Last year one of our seniors was intentionally pouring into six freshman, and as she was getting ready to graduate we started praying that God would raise someone up to continue mentoring and pouring into these girls. That week a coach contacted us and told us she felt God had been laying on her heart to start a study for the girls. The picture above shows the transition of saying goodbye to our Senior leader to Coach. Coach began holding a study at her house and 12-5 girls would show up each time. It's been amazing to see God use a coach to help many of these girls in their faith walk.
As we look back at the 2018-19 year we are amazed at all that God has done. He is always faithful to show up! Please join us in praying for our Team Studies and their leaders that God would continue to lead, grow and reach new believers. Also pray that God would help us identify a full-time staff that can really dedicate the time needed to grow this ministry!
Current Job Openings
Area Representative
Full-Time or Part-Time
Location: North Santa Barbara County, 5-Cities, San Luis Obispo